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July 2024

Shalom Native Mission, Inc. PO Box 1851 Cordova, TN 38018 Chong Singsit 10508 NE 41st ST Vancouver, WA 98682 901.355.1216

Much has happened since I last sent out a newsletter. Some of this may be repetitive, but as it has been a while and the violence of May 2023 and ensuing chaos are still very much evident and affecting everyday life in Manipur and the surrounding states, I begin with a brief recap of what took place. A peaceful protest by the Kuki people, protesting the potential re-allotment of land benefiting the Meitei (May-tay), was disrupted by the Meitei when churches, businesses, and homes were destroyed, families displaced, and lives killed.

 360 churches and synagogues (mostly Christian) burned

 200+ villages burned
 7000+ houses burned
 41,425+ people displaced

 186 people killed

Six of our pastors were displaced, unable to return to their homes. All of our pastors and gospel workers are affected by the ongoing violence in Manipur. Shalom Academy was, for a time, a refugee center with 150 refugees. Shalom still currently houses several families living in the property that was purchased last summer, serving as caretakers until we can build the needed buildings to make that 2nd campus functional for Shalom’s growing needs.

What took place in Imphal, in May 2023, not only changed the lives of tens of thousands of people, but has changed SNM’s ability to serve those we help. The changes, mostly negative, have made daily life difficult for those displaced, created more barriers between the Meitei’s (Hindu) and the Kuki (predominantly Christian, though very nominal at best), has made the transfer of monies to India, especially Manipur, next to impossible (more on that later), and seen the costs of everything higher than ever. Electricity, which was always sporadic at best, was non-existent a good deal of the time, limiting email/phone communication making it difficult for our pastors and workers to report to each other, let alone back to the US. Our three Meitei pastors face great challenges as their churches were burned, and they had to sign documents stating that they would not rebuild.

Positive outcomes are that our pastors are more committed and bold in their witness. Reports that SNM collects show more souls are saved from Hindu backgrounds than ever before. Also, even among the Kuki peoples, people are returning to Scripture, prayer, and a life of faith in God. We also observed God’s seeming direct intervention on several occasions when Meitei attacks were thwarted and God’s people were spared.

Another positive outcome is that SNM has taken up direct support for 14 pastors. Previously SNM partnered with another Christian organization that raised support for native pastors to monthly support 14 pastors and gospel workers. This support unfortunately was dropped because of the pastors’ inability to keep sending reports after May 2023. Our workers have been faithful in the worst of conditions, God is blessing their faithfulness, and SNM through your faithfulness is seeing their needs met.

On the part of the SNM Board, it was a step of faith when we took on the monthly support of these 14 pastors, along with two more, with no assurance of monthly support coming specifically for their needs.

Previously the monies you, our faithful supporters, sent was used for building projects, such as constructing churches and school buildings, school building repairs, vehicle needs for our pastors and gospel workers, digging for and building a safe water supply, supplementing help for Shalom’s teachers and staff when needed, food and medical relief work, and the many other things we do. Basically, SNM has been a means of projects and specific needs, but God is choosing to use us to meet monthly needs for the pastors and their families during this especially trying time. We have for six months, without fail or delay, been able to meet the monthly commitment of $100US for 16 pastors and their families. God truly is faithful.

One of the difficulties with getting monies to Manipur right now is that all the accounts for those we send money to are through banks in Imphal. It is impossible for anyone who is Kuki to enter Imphal City, as it is under Meitei control, including the banks. The difficulties are two-fold. One, banking transactions must be through an approved FCRA account (an Indian government requirement to trace money transactions). After several failed attempts to send money, Chong went to Delhi while in India to oversee the purchase of the 2nd property last August, to speak with the Deputy Director of FCRA in the main Delhi bank branch. Even with directions given by the Deputy Director, things still took some time to get straightened out. The second problem is that most of the pastors’ bank accounts where money previously was transferred to after clearing the Delhi branch, are no longer available to them and they must get their funds as cash. The biggest problem is that the pastors must travel around Imphal in order to get their support as it is dangerous for them to go through or to Imphal where their banks are (a 4-7+ hour journey). Currently we have one person acting as point person for all the pastors, using his phone to communicate with us here in the US and the pastors in Manipur. He receives the monies for the pastors and distributes them per Chong’s instructions and sends us their reports. We are grateful for all that God is doing in the midst of hardship, and SNM will continue as long as God provides.

A combined summary of the reports from the pastors and church planters SNM supports from three countries (India, Nepal, Myanmar) are given.

1. Though several of our churches have burned and/or the congregation displaced, there are still strong churches and the pastors are doing what would be expected: preacing, visiting the sick, small group meetings in homes to teach and pray.

2. There is a focus on reaching the young people through youth conferences, Vacation Bible School, and Sunday School. VBS, though limited to the hill country instead of in the churches in Imphal, is fruitful - more than 60 saved. Pastor Jamthang’s son, Goa and a few of his class mates in Bible College, helped out with some of the VBS’s and youth conferences as speakers and/or counselors.

3. Two of our pastor’s and their families are still displaced with safety concerns for them: J. Singsit and R. Chetri

4. Several of our pastors/church planters are dividing their time in Siliguri, West Bengal, and reaching up into Nepal while being displaced from Manipur.

5. Ministry to displaced refugees and those along the tribal military front lines continues in multiple ways: gospel outreach, sharing of food and medical supplies, 61 displaced students are getting free schooling at Evergreen school, Jangngam Singsit’s school in Ka-manbi, about 15 km from Motbung and Shalom Academy.

6. Evangelist Inaobi Singh has 10+ house churches started and does an online service each Sunday. His home was destroyed by hail and heavy rain after the initial violence and unrest, and needs to be rebuilt.

7. Natum Singh continues to reach out to the Meitei community, but with a small house church approach.

8. Berea Bible Baptist Church, located in Ka-manbi, is still intact and transitioning to a Nepali focused ministry (Hindu, but Nepalese people group rather than Manipuri).

9. Many prayer requests from the pastors for ministry growth, discipling believers, personal and church member health needs.

10.Jangngam Singsit is asking prayer for God’s guidance and wisdom for plans to start a church plant and school ministry in Karbi Anglong, Assam, a neighboring State in India.

11. Fifteen people were saved during this period, beside the 60 in the VBS mentioned above. God is bringing souls to Himself and using faithful men and families to do this.

Closer to home

Recent activities include three of our SNM board members attending the Grace Conference organized by Quentin Road Baptist Church in conjunction with Day Spring Bible College and seminary outside of Chicago. This was the second year SNM attended the conference with a display table for attendees to see. This time we were better prepared and organized to take advantage of the many opportunities the conference offers: inspirational and challenging messages and sessions as well as making good contacts. Numerous conference delegates stopped by the mission display booth to check us out and allow us to answer their questions. The display board and new brochure were a great help in communicating about Shalom Academy and SNM objectives. The brochure was critical to accomplishing the goal of educating those who would like to help SNM financially. (*A copy of the new brochure is attached along with this newsletter. If interested in physical copies, please let me know how many you need and I can mail those to you.) The launching of an updated website with online donation/payment through paypal was also unfolded during the conference. One SNM board member and his pastor worked tirelessly for the past year to see this come to fruition. We appreciate all their hard work and are thankful to the Lord for the fruit of their labor which we pray the Lord will use for His glory in the coming days. To see the website go to

One other note concerning the Grace Conference--Hoinu came to the US for a brief visit arriving just in time for the conference. Every year the conference recognizes and honors someone with the James Scudder Servant’s Heart Award. Hoinu was the recipient for 2024, honoring her for her many years at Shalom Academy, but especially for the relief work at Shalom Academy and throughout the region during the turbulent times in Manipur this past year. We are thankful to the Lord for His safety over Hoinu and all our faithful workers in India.

On the home front

Those of you that have been with us for many years remember when we adopted our children in 2007. Those scared, little, 3 1/2 year old children turned 21 in July! Kamlen is still unsure what is ahead for him and is seeking God’s will for his future. He currently is working at Hobby Lobby (along with Rhoda). He knows HL isn’t his future, and after attending the Grace Conference along with Chong is revisiting thoughts of missions. Pray for the Lord’s leading in his life.

Kimhoili has had several medical needs since 2019. Last mid February she spent six weeks in the hospital. Currently she is on several medications, but little by little she is improving. God knows, has allowed, and will use this for good in her life as she learns to lean hard on her Good Shepherd. Though we don’t always understand the ways of God, we do know that we can always trust His heart.

On that note--especially trusting God’s heart for all that is happening here at home, in Manipur, India, the USA, the world--we thank you for your faithful giving and praying for us, Shalom Academy, the pastor’s and their families, and the many works that God is accomplishing in India, Nepal, and Myanmar.

On behalf of our faithful pastor’s and their families, Chong Singsit

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