Shalom Native Mission
Why India?
India is an incredible country. It is home to over 1.3 billion people, 800 different languages and dialects, and 800 million Hindus. India is the second largest Muslim country in the world with over 120 million Muslims, and is also the birthplace of Buddha. It is a country with the most people and the fastest growing economy. This massive population lives in an area of 1,990,062-sq mile, with 510 people/sq mile density. Nearly 16% of the world’s population is Indian, living on 2.4% of the world’s land surface. India is the largest democratic country with parliamentary federal republic form of government. The constitutional head of the state is the President, who is advised by an elected Prime Minister. India is rich in culture and religion and its diversity creates an exciting experience. Colorful Hindu shrines and temples are on almost every corner and you can see people bringing rice and grains and other offerings to sacrifice to their gods. The sight of this will break your heart as you see people who can barely feed their children give up their last bit of food to the gods asking for them to provide. So many people are tired of sacrificing everything to the gods but getting nothing in return. People are searching for answers. They are searching for truth. The church of Jesus Christ has the answer they are looking for but they will not know until some one takes time to explain the truth.