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History of Shalom Native Mission

It was the vision of my late father, Tongkam Singsit, to start a Christian school and teach the tribal people how to read so they could read God’s word and get saved. That vision was only partially fulfilled due to my father’s premature death. Education was introduced into the society, but many had yet to learn of the Christ that came to save them. To continue this vision, my sister, Phalkho, and I started Shalom Academy in 1984, a Christian school with the goal of reaching young people for Christ. We realized that without good Christian education, many of the young people were drifting into drugs and alcohol, never even mindful of the Gospel. Also, because of the magnitude of corruption in Indian society, including in the church, there was no clear guidance on Christian living or the importance of knowing Christ. The purpose was clear—have a Christian school with dedicated teachers who could impart quality education and sound moral training. The students can learn balanced judgment and praiseworthy character, with spiritual, moral, and mental growth getting top priority so that every choice that God offers to man might be theirs at the time of adulthood. From that start in 1984 with 48 students, today we have about 800 students with 50-100 coming to know Christ yearly either through chapel, VBS (held yearly at the school), or through personal counseling. My niece, Hoinu, is overseeing the school ministry. She has a Master’s Degree in Christian School Administration from Landmark Baptist College. The Lord is using her to reach many young people. Hindu parents won’t send their children to church, but they have no problem sending them to Shalom Academy. These parents don’t understand, however, that their children are exposed to more Bible in the school than in a typical Baptist church in the area. How exciting to see some of the Hindu children coming to know Christ. Through the years there has been much opposition to Shalom—mainly for the stand we take: no corruption allowed among the teachers, no bribe taking, no changing of grades or favoritism; a child receives the grade they worked for. The Bible is taught as a Moral Science every day. We also have chapel held regularly in the school. Please pray for these chapel periods as Jesus is lifted up before the students and teachers. The school year runs February to mid December. In June there is a holiday period to enable VBS to take place.  VBS is proven to be a very effective tool in reaching children with the Gospel. 


-Chong Singsit

Our Name

Much of Northeast India is torn by unrest. There is no peace: Politically, Socially, Economically, Especially Spiritually. Even the church is nominal at best with no clear message of “Good News” and God’s peace to those in need. Jehovah Shalom – one of the many names of God. Shalom – PEACE. With a desire to have a haven, a place of refuge, and a place of peace for the children, Shalom Academy was born.

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